I see clear skin in your future.
Dealing with acne is such a pain in the a**, as well as a complete confidence KILLER! Finding the right routine that works is so hard: dealing with dreadful dermatologists visits, strong barrier impairing topicals, gut destroying antibiotics and the worst of them all.. Accutane. If you have tried everything, and you're looking for an expert that is by your side through it all, with holistic guidance and knowledge, then you're looking in the right spot.

What is Acne?
Acne is an inherited disorder of the pores —- pores that shed dead skin cells faster than normal. Normal pores shed about one layer of dead skin cells per day inside the pore. The acne-prone pore sheds up to five layers of dead skin cells per day and the body just can’t keep up. This forms the microcomedone, the beginning of all acne. Taking up to 90 days, it turns into blackheads or congestion under the skin; or if bacteria is present (which it loves to feed on the dead skin cells and oil), it turns into inflamed pimples or pustules and maybe even cysts.
What to Expect
Your acne can be controlled through the continued use of Face Reality products and corrective in-clinic treatments. Depending on the severity of your acne, it typically takes 3-4 months (but could take longer) to get clear, requiring consistent commitment to home care.
Common Triggers of Acne
Acne is highly complex, which is why so many people challenge to figure out how to resolve it. There are many factors that can contribute: hormones, digestive and gut system imbalances, stress levels, diet, medications, cosmetics and lifestyle.
Treatments include very mild corrective peels or an acne hydrating treatment which are used to boost your home care and to help with extractions followed by blue LED light therapy. During your peel you may feel nothing or you may feel a little tingling. You won’t peel much but if you do, it will be very mild flaking.
How Does It Work?
The bootcamp kicks off with an in-depth skin assessment by Marissa, where she’ll go over your skin goals and curate a regimen that’s specifically tailored to you and your skin. Throughout the three months or longer, you’ll have ongoing check-ins and treatments with Marissa to assess your progress and make adjustments as needed along your journey to clear skin. You will have her direct phone number to text her whenever you may need.
In order to achieve optimal results, you must commit to coming in every 2 to 3 weeks for approximately 3 months. Each peel moving forward after your initial consultation is $100. Initial investment into the Face Reality products is approximately $200.
Acne Bootcamp Services
You can either book a standalone Acne Bootcamp: Consultation & Skin Analysis for $75 or an Acne Bootcamp: Consultation, Skin Analysis, and 1st Treatment for $165.
If you decide to book the standalone consultation we will go over all your information and introduce you to the program. You can decide then if you want to buy into the products.
If you decide to move forward with the program, it’s expected of you to spend an additional $200 approximately in skincare, which will give you about 6 products to use. These products will last you for a good amount of time and are required to achieve clear skin.

Purging is a temporary increase in acne breakouts that can occur when using certain skincare products or treatments, like benzoyl peroxide. It is a normal physiological response to the skin's increased cell turnover and exfoliation.
So Once You're Clear
SADLY, there is no cure for acne. Acne requires consistent care and attention to your triggers and diet sensitivies. Otherwise, it's likely your acne will come back. I typically recommend clients post bootcamp, to continue purchasing products, and we'll make tweaks to your routine, while also continuing with a routine facial schedule. Most likely once you're acne is controlled, you'll be dealing with acne marks and scars that we can address thorough advanced treatments.